We teamed up with Otterbox for one of our coolest giveaways yet!
Is your cooler leaving you high and dry? If so, here’s how you could win a hardcore outdoor Venture 65 @otterbox cooler! A $350 value!!
- You must be following @revkitco & @otterbox on Instagram.
- Post a pic of your janky cooler on Instagram.
- Tag @revkitco & @otterbox and use hashtag #coolerproblems telling us why you need to ditch your old set up!
First prize winner will receive the Otterbox Venture 65 cooler! 🥇
Runner ups will receive other Otterbox goodies! Winners announced Monday Feburuary 10, 2020 and we will be sharing the funniest #coolerproblems pics all this week!
Check out the entries so far, don’t forget to submit yours!

from @dylanford55

from @rc_offroad_n

from @lynngar1212

from @hartmannchristopher

from @kurteades

from @utahljtim

from @sickboyboone

from @ctaitt24

from @matthewmarkmedia
from @sergeantcrush
from @tweetlesscole